Xamarin. Pull-to-Refresh and Load More capabilities Xamarin Documentation.NET MAUI Early Access Preview (v23.1) The Future of the DevExpress Xamarin.Forms Controls. Enable totals and group summaries (in code) Our Xamarin UI suite is available free-of-charge (plus how to transition to Microsoft's MAUI (Multi-Platform App UI). Template column allows you to create custom cell viewer/editor Deliver high-performance and intuitive mobile solutions with our blazing-fast Xamarin.Forms UI Component Suite. Multiple built-in column types (text, numeric, date, image, and Boolean) Xamarin.Forms Controls from DevExpress Your Next Great Mobile App Starts Here. NOTE: DevExpress Xamarin.Forms UI controls ship as part of our Universal Subscription. Automatic column generation based on data fields Optimized data loading, including very large datasets

Xamarin.Forms Data Grid Features include: Built in appearance customization options allow you to modify the look of individual controls with ease.

The suite includes two predefined themes so you can quickly switch between dark and light display modes. To ensure the best possible performance, all our Xamarin.Forms controls were built using native iOS / Android elements. DevExpress Mobile UI for Xamarin.Forms : Deliver high-impact and elegant user experiences with our Xamarin.Forms Data Grid, Scheduler, Chart, Pie Chart, Tab View, and Drawer View controls.