Mechanical damage can occur to the manual transmission right-side oil seal, which isn’t fitted tightly enough, after 4,000–10,000 kilometres.
With the necessary tools and our video guide you can reflash the unit at home. To eliminate this defect, the manufacturer updated the firmware for the control unit. This is especially noticeable when driving with frequent stops, for instance, in traffic jams.
Over several years of operation, your automatic transmission may alarm you with jerks when you start off.
See how to do this in our step-by-step tutorial on Ford Focus repair. To extend the working lifespan of the injectors you need to make sure that you use high quality fuel and to replace the filter in due time. The problem can be partially fixed with the help of ultrasonic cleaning at a garage.
The fuel injectors of the Duratec 2.0 petrol engine can get clogged as early as after 30,000 kilometres.
Consult the step-by-step Ford Focus repair instruction and you will easily handle this job yourself. In some cases you need to replace the valve. This can be got rid of by reflashing the engine control unit. The cause lies in a malfunctioning idle air control valve.